Top Biographies and Memoirs to Read Online

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show," stated Charles Dickens in the book David Copperfield. Biographies are books when there is a complete account of all the life events of a person may or may not be written by self. When it is written by self, it is known as autobiography. On other hand, there are memoirs which stand for the books written by self in which all the historical events are given for personal knowledge. Other than this, I feel that biographies written across the world are gifts for the people like us as what can be the best then to take lessons from other people's mistakes and to get inspired from them. There are many novels that I like but some of them are given below:

l  Nietzsche by Stephan Zweig

Who doesn't know one of the most famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who said, "That which doesn't kill us make us stronger" and many other quotes? Whether anyone is millennial or gen z, there isn't a single person who reads philosophy and hasn't liked the work of this philosopher. This book is written by a twentieth-century author who has given a complete discussion on his passions and habits. The author has specifically focused on Nietzsche's theory of the tragedy of existence. To read further, you can buy the book.

l  Neruda: The Poet's Calling by Mark Eisner

Pablo Neruda is one of the most famous poets of the century, known for his erotic poetry. He has also written some of the best poems and my favourite is “Tonight, I am going to write the saddest lines”. Mark Eisner has done a good job and it is one of the most liked biographies of Pablo Neruda. He has described the depth of his poems and also has given an insight into his political views. This is such a good biography to read if you want to read about Neruda’s poetry.

l  India 2020 by APJ Abdul Kalam

There have been many revolutionaries and thinkers who have made the blueprint of the future of India. While many of them have criticized, many of them have given us hope. This book is written by one of the great scientist APJ Abdul Kalam who has given us hope and has dared us to dream and work towards the future. Learning from the past and motivating us from the achievements that we have seen, he has written the perfect map for India's bright fortune.

 Read more at - biographies & memoirs books Online


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